Пичове, това е Пойзън iВи... Моля ви се!... Ми кой те докара с това червилце, бе душа?... Люкс ли беше?... Направо ми разката Интериора с този бодиАрт... Р.И.П. Люкс де... Откакто ти чух заглавето, нямам мира - то бива-бива съвпадения ама си ми гепила групата...

"You know good and well it's true.
They never do what you want 'em too.
Cuz people ain't no good.
They're no good on weekends.
When they come out to play.
They're no good for bookends.
Cuz you can't make 'em stay...hey!
People ain't no good.
People ain't no good.
They never do what I think they should.
So people ain't no good.
Yeah people are just a waste.
They're all over the place.
Ya see 'em everywhere ya go.
And I don't like their face.
And people don't like me.
Why I sure don't know.
But even a jerk like you could see.
It's obviously so...so...
They always get some smile.
They always stand like this.
They alweays tell ya who is what.
Well what I say is this."
Сега ясно ли е, пипол?
Направо са си Пичове Запример...

И на всичко отгоре си кучитарикатка... Ми къде си се кукнало между Вкусните Ябълки, бе iВе?...
SP translation: Poison Ivy, Lux Interior, The Cramps... casi nada...
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